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About Us

Telangana People’s association of Dallas was founded by fellow DFW Telanganites to help build a community that gives people of similar heritage a platform to share their values with each other and all of North Texas.

Your active participation in various capacities is essential for the success of TPAD. We are very optimistic that TPAD will bring us together to conduct events, activities at social and professional level.

For your information on TPAD vision, organization structure etc., are included below:

  • Preserve the Culturally rich Telangana identity.
  • Preserve and promote classic and ancient Telugu language to next generations.
  • Celebrate Telangana festivals in an integrated & inclusive manner.
  • Preserve & promote rich heritage and family values to next generations.
  • Support charity in the country of residence (United States) and in the State of Telangana in India.
  • Facilitate business and professional networking.
  • The fundamentals of the new Telangana organization are based on three “I”s (Inspiration, Interaction & Inclusion), which is fostering collaboration among people, transparency and Accountability, Inclusion of like-minded individuals. The new Telangana organization will follow the democratic process and will be abided by the by-laws and member mandates.

    Inspired by the fundamentals of TPAD, we have an ongoing mission to give back to the DFW community that has given us the opportunity to meet like-minded people who share and practice the same core values instilled into us by our Telangana heritage.

    We have worked with organizations such as Carter Blood Care to host a blood drive in Frisco, TX which many of our members so generously donated blood too and helped serve free home cooked meals to those who donated. Among other various events our members all came together to dedicate their Sunday to help run a food drive at a local food bank.

    TPAD requests and encourages all of the DFW Telanganites to join hands and come forward to build this emerging face of Telangana people in the DFW and North Texas region.

    TPAD symbolizes Unity in Diversity, One platform for all, Perseverance, Integrity, Entrepreneurship and Good citizenship of all Telangana people.